Examination Seating Arrangement Software

The “examination seating arrangement system” atomizes the existing system of assigning seating arrangement. When a student registers for an examination, this system stores student examination registration details (name, roll no., branch, year & semester, subjects) in the database depending on the branch, year & semester. Seating location and seating type on student performance. Key Words: Admin, Exam seating, Allotment, Examination hall 1. INTRODUCTION Exam Seating Arrangement is specially design for automation of exam system. This system deals with the Seating Arrangement process of exam online instead of manually. Seating Arrangement is one of the most important parts of the Reasoning section in the bank exams. Every year, the bank sets question paper in a way that the seating arrangement forms a prominent part of the exams. The preliminary, as well as the Mains exam, have at least 5 to 10 seating arrangement questions in the paper. In any seating arrangement problem, the easiest way is from the possible cases, eliminate one by one using the statements. While solving questions, first start with the clues with more connectors. It is important that students practice all types of questions on this topic to ace it in any competitive exam. A java based software for examination seating arrangement. You can use the user-friendly interface to manually assign seats, randomly distribute students or optimize the seating arrangement based on individual characteristics.

ISoftSchool is a multipurpose school management and school information mangement software. It helps to automate daily school operations easily. ISoftSchool handles every process efficiently. With ISoftSchool you can track all the progress your School is making and authorities can make decisions based on that. ISoftSchool is a complete web School ERP solution with 50+ modules and data security.

Staff Management


Teaching & Non Teaching


ISoftSchool Maintains all the records of Staff be it the teaching staff or the non teaching staff like helpers, bus drivers, sweepers or lab assistants.

Student Management

All Grades Students

ISoftSchool Maintains all the students records be it the academic records , fee records , class records or the personal details of Students .

Notice, Events & Examinations

All News & Events

ISoftSchool Maintains the records of all Events, Notices, Examination Schedules with seating arrangement, Timetable of all classes .


ISoftSchool -School Information Software

Is highly functional web based software which makes the process of Maintaining Classes, maintaining Student records easy for school Officials and their staff. It also makes use of advanced graphic tools to show the Student data allowing everyone to quickly absorb and act upon it.

It’s reasonably priced so Schools can use it with minimal running cost.

Classes & Teaching Staff Management

ISoftSchool provides a powerful medium to manages the classes and their teachers you can assign classes to the teachers manage their subjects and responsibilities.

Homework & Attendence

Manage class details like homework and attendance in ISoftSchool’s attendance and Homework Module and make those tasks paperless and effortless.

Academic Records & Timetables

ISoftSchool Provides a powerful medium to manage the academic records and helps manage the timetable of the classes and teachers assigned for that subject.

Admission & Registration

An all-in-one student Registration and Admission software solution for student Admissions. Automate your school’s admission process using ISoftSchool Registration Module.

Examination Schedule & Fee Records

ISoftSchool Provides whole modules for fee and examination management, you can manage the fee, Examination schedule and seating arrangements of exams.


ISoftSchool offers efficient and powerful communication platform for schools to connect with their staff and parents of the Students via SMS and Emails.




ISoftSchool is completely based on Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) methodology. In which application are stored on company’s servers and made available to customers over a network, typically the Internet.The User doesn’t require extensive hardware to run the software. Data can be accessed from any device with an internet connection and a web browser.

School Management System

Online School Manager

ISoftSchool is a dynamic and customized web-based software designed with School specific requirement allowing Schools to provide better Education .Online School Manager organizes Student and staff data better, with lesser efforts thereby increasing School’s efficiency – allowing them to concentrate more on Students than on paperwork.

Examination Seating Arrangement Software People



Teaching Staff

Non Teaching Staff

Excellent software! Completely built according to the needs of a school. This software has helped me to manage my school in a much better way thus saving my time & efforts at a very less cost.
The best thing about this software is it’s easy access everywhere not only at the school. I can manage data & records at home..

Sushmita Singh

This is highly user-friendly & cost effective software. I’m very much impressed and happy using it.It has helped me to save my time & energy. I’m able to manage data conveniently using this software. I recommend every school should have this type of software..

Dr. R N Rai

Examination Seating Arrangement software, free download

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